
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Intended Route for this Blog

The first order of business is to express what the theme of this blog will be. For every post that I publish, my goal will be to consider issues of the day and elaborate on how an issue or outside force effects particular companies. I will examine who is investing in which company and identify when mass amounts of investors are foolishly selling their shares and temporarily driving down a stock price. I have always been infatuated with technological innovations. Therefore I plan on periodically featuring innovative companies that have the potential to disrupt markets. I may also choose to explore various roles in the investment banking industry and comprehensively depict what each job entails as well as describe how to obtain that job.

Just like everyone else majoring in finance, I am seeking to achieve two things in the next year:
1. gain a deep understanding of finance
2.  acquire a job where I can exercise my understanding into insurmountable amounts of cash.

These two goals are in chronological order. One must first gain a deep understanding of finance in order to land a front office job at an investment bank. But gaining a deep understanding and mastering the art of investing is a toilsome and intricate endeavor.

There is a concept in economic theory that explains how a company can increase returns and achieve long run growth. This concept is called "Learning by Doing" and it states that employees have the capability to improve their productivity by regularly repeating the same type of action while implementing minor innovations along the way. In Japanese this same concept is called "Kaizen" which translates to "continuous improvement." The Kaizen practice is spearheaded by the Toyota Production System which leads the automobile market in workstation and supply chain efficiency.

The reason I bring up the theories of "Learning by Doing" and "Kaizen" is because I plan to utilize these theories through this blog. I will continuously improve and refine my content until I serve my ten thousand hours and become a professional. My solid foundation in finance intertwined with my unconventional way of thinking will help me unveil the true risk, return and value of relative companies. I will draw out my conclusions and illustrate profit generating investment strategies.

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